Labels:book | bulletin board | lodestone | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: Document setup ... Document setup ...on the File menu allows you to specify page size page orientation, bleed specifications, unit of measure visible and snap -to sizes, and target printer resolution customize your work environment. To customize an Aldus FreeHand file: Choose "Document setup from the File menu Specify these options: "Page size": Choose size that is equal to or smaller than the paper you will be printing on. To create custom page size, click "Custom and then type your page measurements "Orientation": Click "Tall" (portrait) if you want your page to be taller than IC wide Click "Wide (landscape if vou want your page to be wider than it is tall. "Bleed" Specify how much of the area surrounding the page you want printed to create bleed. (A nonprinting dotted line appears on th ...